DAProfile helps user to hide DA/DA-value(s) based on specific conditions. The conditions are specified in IMCExpression.
Prerequisite: understanding of Schema, IMCExpression and LookupTable.
Steps to Configure and Use DAProfile
Step 1: Create Lookup Table
User needs to create a LookupTable to specify dependent factors, DA name as well as DA value inside the table. User can name the table as the need be.
As you can see, in image, ‘Fetch Record’ data types are useful to specify dependent factors (i.e. SALES_OFFICE and ROLE_NAME in this example), whereas DA_NAME and DA_VALUE columns are mandatory columns for the table, which can be described as a ‘Data Record – String’. User can choose the column names as needed.
Once the table is created, it needs to be activated and create records to specify which DA/DAValue should be hidden. Creation of records can be done either by UI or by Excel import.
Step 2: Link Table to DAProfileInstance
Next step should be to link created LookupTable to DAProfile instance. This instance is there by default under Administration -> DAProfile
Under this DAProfile instance 4 things need to be selected: DAProfile table, and the columns: DAName and DAValue, and "Active" to turn on the profile. As shown in below image.
Step 3: Testing DAProfile
Once completed, re-logging in to system is need before user can test it. By going under SI -> Configuration and check expected outcome. In above image DDA1 and DSA1 -> DSA_Value1 is hidden.
Step 4: Check Audit Logs
After opening a SalesItem, the audit logs can be found under tab Model -> Content Management. (To see audit logs, Server should be running under DEBUG mode with log for DAProfile enabled).
Successful triggers on DA/DAValue(s) will be shown in audit table.