1. Go to https://support.inmindcloud.com/hc/en-us
2. Click on 'Submit a request'
3. Fill in the mandatory(*) fields
To help us understand the issue, the following template (in red) is recommended to be followed by users:
Please explain to us the business impact if the issue is set to a High or Urgent priority.
*Ticket set to High / Urgent priority with unjustifiable / invalid business impact will be downgraded to Normal / Low.
Quote/Product name: To name the exact quote/product/page that the error occurred
Steps To Reproduce: Provide steps on how to replicate the issue
Expected outcome: Provide the expected outcome
Additional description: Provide any information that would be helpful in investigating the issue
Upload images/gif/videos of the issue
Upon receiving the ticket, the InMindCloud Support team would respond within the service-level agreement (SLA) time. Upon resolving the ticket or if there is no response from users, the ticket will be closed 7 days after its last update.