Other than using CPQ as a standalone application, you can also embedd some screens into other applications. In order to support such scenarios, there are a few URL parameters provided to slightly customized the look and feel of the application.
By specifying this parameter in the URL when embedding in an iframe, i.e. http://inmindcloud.com/index.html?uiModeEmbedded=true, Digital Sales Platform will hide the left navigation panel of the application.
By specifying this parameter in the URL when embedding Digital Sales Platform in an iframe, i.e. http://inmindcloud.com/index.html?uiAppHeader=false, Digital Sales Platform will hide the application header.
By specifying this parameter in the URL when embedding Digital Sales Platform in an iframe, i.e. http://inmindcloud.com/index.html?uiAppProfile=false, Digital Sales Platform will hide the profile button at the top right of the application.