Quote ‘Pre-Submission’ Check feature is available in the Quote Detail view. Before submitting the Quote, users can always run the checks anytime, as and when they deem necessary.
Here are the 4 checks that are available:
- Material Substitution
- New Knowledgebase Version
- Inactive Products
- Configurable to Classified Products
After clicking on ‘Run Selected Checks’, if there are any checks that fails, a Dialog window will appear showing the available actions to take. If all checks passed, this Dialog window will not appear.
Custom Logic using UI Profile
In the UI Profile, if any 3 out of 4 checks are hidden, the main Pre-submit Check button at the footer will behave differently. It will show the visible check ‘auto run’ label and clicking on it immediately runs the check. This is akin to a ‘Quick Action’ kind of button.
Property Data
UI Profile Key - id_quoteDetail_presubmitCheck_materialSubstituteAuto
message property - quote.preSubmitCheck.materialSubstituteAuto
message property when appearing as Quick Button- quote.preSubmitCheck.materialSubstituteAuto.autoRunLabel - NEWKB_AVAILABILITY
UI Profile Key - id_quoteDetail_presubmitCheck_newKB
message property - quote.preSubmitCheck.newKB
message property when appearing as Quick Button- quote.preSubmitCheck.newKB.autoRunLabel - INACTIVE_PRODUCTS
UI Profile Key - id_quoteDetail_presubmitCheck_inactiveProducts
message property - quote.preSubmitCheck.inactiveProducts
message property when appearing as Quick Button- quote.preSubmitCheck.inactiveProducts.autoRunLabel - CONFIGURABLE_TO_CLASSIFIED_PRODUCTS
UI Profile Key - id_quoteDetail_presubmitCheck_toClassified
message property - quote.preSubmitCheck.toClassified
message property when appearing as Quick Button- quote.preSubmitCheck.toClassified.autoRunLabel