The following Excel upload operation which contains the important data for the configurable products will keep the user’s uploaded excel file.
- Dynamic Attribute Data Excel Upload
- Product Knowledge Base Excel Upload
- KB Snapshot Generation
Therefore, it is needed to check to clean the audit folders for those operations in case the user uploaded the knowledge base several times which can end up consuming memory space of the system.
Auditing Dynamic Attribute Data Excel Upload
Since dynamic attribute data is the basic data for the configurable/classified products, every change made to these data points will be audited using the dataset-based auditing feature as well as the HTML Audit feature. The HTML audit file for each excel upload of the dynamic attribute data will be maintained in the following folder structure.
Auditing Product Knowledge Base Excel Upload
The uploaded knowledge base excel will be stored inside the following audit folder in addition to the HTML audit log which will show any errors obtained in each sheet during the Excel upload.
Below is an example of HTML audit file content where the error description for each sheet and possible solution are described for each sheet if there is an error. There is no logger to be configured in order to obtain Audit files.
Auditing KBSnapshot Generation
After the product model excel upload is done, it is necessary to create the new KBSnapshot in order to make the uploaded knowledge base available for the quote. When you create a new KBSnapshot, he/she can configure to audit that process by enabling the following log level to be DEBUGGED.
The audit file created during compiling knowledge will be maintained in the following folder structure.
The following screenshot shows the example content of the audit file.