A product can be mainly categorized into the following.
- Classified product
- A classified product is a product that cannot be configured by user. However, it can have the KBClass which holds the attributes with default value/characteristics of the product.
- Configurable product
- A configurable product is a product that can be configured by user and define the rules in order to perform the BOM explosion.
A product can be created with the following properties.
Property |
Description |
Name |
The name of the product must be unique in the Digital Sales Platform. |
Unit of Measure |
It is to assign the unit of measure of the product such as Each or Kilogram |
Product Status |
It is to mark the product if it is active or inactive |
Product Type |
It is to define the type of product if it is finished good, raw material. |
Product Category |
It is to organize all the products that belonged to the same category. |
Classified Product |
If the product is marked as a classified product, it means that the product cannot have the knowledge base to define the configuration rules. However, it can attach the corresponding KBClass to show the attributes of classified product in the configuration page. |
The ERP ID of the product must be unique in the Digital Sales Platform. in order to map with the ERP product. For numeric ERP ID, there is a setting to set the leading zero. By default, the length of leading zero is 18. |
The CRM ID of the product must be unique in the Digital Sales Platform. |
Export to CRM |
Mark this if the product has integrated with an external CRM system and to export the product to CRM. |
Export to ERP |
Mark this if the product has integrated with an external ERP system and to export the product to ERP. |
Optional Product |
The product or products can be created in three different ways.
- Via UI
- Via Synchronization from ERP
- Via Excel Upload
Product Creation (UI)
In the Digital Sales Platform under 'Products', click on the '+' icon and a pop-up to create a product will appear. Then simply insert the data accordingly.
Product Creation (ERP Synchronization)
In order to synchronize the products from ERP system, click the System Processes ->Products Synchronization tab.
- Click to open the Synchronize Products view
- Check Product and force sync product if you wanted to synchronize all product or input the product ERP ID with ‘,’ seperator in order to sync the specific product from ERP.
Please refers the detail for each of the settings in ERP_Integration_Guide.
Product Creation (Excel)
The product modeler can set the setting to download the excel template with existing product data to modify the existing products data or without existing product data to create new products.
In the Digital Sales Platform, go to 'Administration' > 'Master Data Management' > search for 'Setting Boolean' > 'Enables to download the product excel template with existing products'
- Click the download icon to download the products excel template
- Enter/Select the product data
Product Excel Sheet to define the product header data
- Click the upload icon to upload the filled excel file to create new products or update existing products.
Include Existing Product (Enable Setting)
- Go to Administration tab on the right panel
- Click SettingBoolean ->SettingExcelProductDownloadWithExistingProducts
- Check the Setting Value Boolean to be true
- Click Save
Define Product Template
It is needed to obtain the template from In Mind Cloud's consulting team or define it with the file name, Products.xlsx. The template needs to have three sheets with an exact column name defined at the correct position.
- _MasterData
- _ProductMasterData
- Product
Example of _MasterData Sheet
Example of _ProductMaster Data Sheet
Example of Product Sheet showing Column 0 to 8
Example of Product Sheet Showing Column 9 to 14
Things to Note About:
In excel, not all the product header properties can be modified. Only those listed in the Product sheet are supported.
Customizing template to include more localization
Once you had the standard template or defined the template as mentioned in Define Product Template, the next step is to define the columns for label and comment to display the non-English language of your interest. The column name for Label and Comment must follow the naming convention starting with capital letter LABEL_ or COMMENT_ followed by two letter language code. It is needed to note that the language code (which is an external id of the language defined under Administration->Language) must be maintained in the system beforehand.
A modeler can also add new label and comment column for different languages by copying the LABEL_EN and COMMENT_EN and changing the name of the column header to be LABEL_DE and COMMENT_DE if modeler wanted to define the localization of German language.
In order to include the additional label and comment of each product for non-English language, it is needed to customize the standard Products.xlsx. The standard template can be obtained either from the In Mind Cloud's consulting team or by defining by excel as mentioned in Section Once the standard template is available, the new columns to display the label and comment for non-English language can be defined by adding new column, LABEL_CN or COMMENT_CN following the naming convention LABEL_$$ or COMMENT_$$ where $$ is a two letters language code available in the system. The followings are the steps to configure to include labels and comments for non-English language.
Example of Product Sheet Showing Column 15 to 16
Upload Template
After defining the setting and template, the next step is to upload the template to the system.
- Go to Administration -> Content Management.
- Browse the following folder path root/excels/Product or create a similar folder structure under root folder
- Upload the Products.xlsx template that you defined previously or obtained from In Mind Cloud's consulting team.
Mass Assign of Product Tags
For easy identification and filtering, products can be assigned tags within each Product Detail screen. However, this previously had to be done manually within the Product Detail screen for each product.
Now, we have enhanced the excel mass-upload capability to capture this field of Product Tags as well.
Enhanced Import/Export
- Excel Import/Export Enhancement: We've improved the Excel file export and import by incorporating all Product Settings attributes. This enhancement streamlines product management and simplifies attribute updates. Furthermore, the downloaded Excel file now comes with pre-existing values in the Product Setting sheet, adding to user convenience.
- Enhanced filters: In our Mass Update Price Settings tool, we've added a creation date and last updated filters. This empowers users to selectively update products based on creation or last updated dates, providing better control.