A product BOM (Bill of Materials) is the structure of the product which defines related materials/parts/sub-assemblies/intermediate assemblies/sub components and quantity of each required to manufacture the product. Below is an example of Toy Car product which comprises of Wheel Assembly (which could be further classified into Axel and Wheel, Body where each sub-assembly has its own required quantity to be included as part of main product.
In the Digital Sales Platform, all those sub-components of the main product are listed as Product BOM. A BOM can be attached to the knowledge base where the modeler can define the BOM Explosion rule in order to add the related product as the sub-sales items based on the configured data. A product can have more than one BOM however one BOM can only be attached to one knowledge base. At run time, the Digital Sales Platform will pick the most valid Knowledge base and apply the BOM explosion rules. A BOM will include one or more than one related product (Digital Sales Platform called it as BOMEntry). A BOMEntry can have the following properties.
- BOM Quantity
- Quantity
- Position (the order to add the related products)
- Allow the parent to change the quantity of BOM Entry
- Enable this if the modeler wanted to change the quantity of sub-line items based on the parent line item’s quantity.
- BOM Quantity is manually changeable or not
- BOM Quantity is calculation or not
- This setting will only be applied if BOM Quantity is allowed to change manually.
- Mark this to obtain the quantity via IMCScript so that changing the parent line item will not impact the child quantity.
- If this setting is true, the quantity will not be obtained from the parent line item qty.
The quantity of the sub-items can also be calculated via the IMCScript using the event, AFTER CREATE SALESITEM. The details feature of IMCScript can be found in IMC Script Guide.
Creating Product BOM via GUI
- Enter the name for a BOM
- Click BOM created to navigate to Products tab to add the related products into it
- User can change the BOM Entry Id to have name of product or ERP ID or CRM ID which will help during the excel download to map to BOM Entry ID in Rule sheet. However, the BOM Entry Id must be unique and should be have duplicate name.
Creating Product BOM via Excel
Product BOM can be created together with the Knowledge base as having product BOM means that there must be BOM Explosion logic to define rules to add related products from the Product BOM.
- Select the existing Knowledge base or click the download icon to download the Knowledge Based excel template
- Select the download options if there is any to include template sheet into the downloaded excel.
- Tick [Includes Existing Products] sheet if user wanted to include all the products in the system in order to search for the product ERP ID or CRM ID or name.
The knowledge base sheet will be generated with the PRODUCT BOM sheet to define the Product BOM data.
- Enter the name of the BOM Name
- Specify the unique BOM ENTRY ID
- Enter the Object Name/Product Name or ERPID or CRM
- The Digital Sales Platform will find the product by ERP ID followed by CRM ID first
- If searching the product by ERP ID or CRM ID was not found, it will use the object name or product name to search the product inside the Digital Sales Platform
User can check the existing product list in _ExistingProducts if user selected the option to include existing products
- Upload the filed excel
- Digital Sales Platform will show the error found inside the excel sheet
- Correct the errors if there is any and upload again after correcting the errors
- Click confirm to upload the Knowledge Base Data.
- Digital Sales Platform will create the Knowledge base if it does not exist as well as Product BOM.
Knowledge Base Excel Sheet
The product knowledge base excel contains the several sheets and below is the purpose and things to note about each excel sheet. Generally, all those sheets starting with “_” are a kind of system sheet which is to support the user defined sheet.
Sheet Name |
Purpose |
Important Notes |
_MasterData |
This sheet is to list the data validation list which will be referenced by another sheet |
Do not change anything inside that sheet. |
_ProductMasterData |
This sheet is also to list the data validation needed for PRODUCT sheet |
Do not change anything inside that sheet. |
_CondtionalTriggerMasterData |
This sheet is to highlight the valid arguments that can be assigned for each ACTION TYPE. |
Do not change anything inside that sheet. |
_ExistingProducts |
This sheet is to list all the Attributes inside the system so that user can reuse in the current product's if the property of attributes is same. |
This is just for reference only and upload process will not consider that sheet. To update product details of properties, use PRODUCT sheet. Do not change anything inside that sheet. |
_ExistingAttributes |
This sheet is to list all the attribute names in Digital Sales Platform, in order for the user to use in ATTRIBUTES sheet and RULE sheet. |
To know the details properties of attributes, it is needed to download the Attributes excel separately. See also Section 8. |
This sheet is to list Knowledge Base attributes that can be used in Simplified Conditional Trigger sheet. |
Do not change anything inside that sheet. |
It is needed to mark the MAIN PRODUCT to be [Y] for the current product which is being under modelling. - The other products which are used in PRODUCT BOM are to mark as [N] for main product. - It is not mandatory to define all products in PRODUCT BOM inside the PRODUCT sheet. - You can add more columns for LABEL_ and COMMENT_ for other language such as LABEL_DE, COMMENT_DE. However, please make sure that you had already defined language master data |
This is to define the Bill of Materials of the Main Product. Normally, those are classified products. You can also add Configurable Product as a component of product however, the details knowledge base of that configurable product must be defined in separate excel. |
It is important to define the BOM ID which will be referenced in RULE_### sheet having TYPE, BOM, BOM_AND_RANGE. It can be string value. |
This sheet is to define the Attributes of a product. You can either list the existing attributes by searching the attributes name in _ExistingAttributes sheet or enter new one. |
If you are using an existing attribute, putting the name in Attribute Name column is sufficient and it is not mandatory to define other properties. - Sequence ID, Attribute Name, Attribute Type and Data Type are mandatory - if Data Type is not Numeric, it is not needed to define the Precision, Min Range, Max Range |
This sheet is to define the range value for those Attributes which are marked as enumerable. For existing Attribute, it is not needed to add the range value in the sheet unless, you had new range value. In order to know if the range value for an existing attribute is defined, please download the separate Attributes excel which show all Attributes and Range values. |
For any new attributes which are marked as enumerable, it is mandatory to define the Range value in ATTRIBUTES_RANGE sheet. - You can add new column for LABLE_ and COMMENT_ for other language by adding column and giving the COLUMN name like LABEL_DE, COMMENT_DE Please make sure not to enter the string range value for those attributes which are having data type, Numeric - Attribute having Data Type, DATE, CURRENCY, and BOOLEAN are not supported to have the range value. |
This is to group the attributes listed in ATTRIBUTES sheet. You can also give the localization for GROUP and SUB GROUP |
All attributes listed in ATTRIBUTES sheet must be inside at least one Sub Group -There should be at least one GROUP and SUB GROUP for a configurable PRODUCT. |
This is to define the attribute which is inside Quote or Sales Item in order to use as a controlled factor for BOM explosion logic or RANGE restriction logic. |
RULE_### |
Those sheets starting with RULE_ are to define the BOM Explosion logic, RANGE restriction logic and CONDITIONAL trigger logic. |
The name of the sheet must start with RULE_ and must define the following inside the sheet · NAME · SEQUENCE ID ( · TYPE (BOM, BOM_AND_RANGE, RANGE, CONDITIONAL) The user needs to fill - Attributes name at Row number 7 starting from column C or 3 - BOM ID if type is BOM, BOM_AND_RANGE and Attribute value starting from Row number 9 onwards Remark - Row number 8 does not needs to fill anything |