Preparing a quote normally involves multiple people’s input. For example, the sales representatives input the products based on customer requirements, then the product engineer fine-tunes the configurations, followed by marketing people to cross-check if the right pricing is given.
Digital Sales Platform supports the collaboration in the quote preparation process through the routing feature. Users can route the quote to other team members for future input.
Filtered User Lists for Task Assignments
Digital Sales Platform serves as a collaboration platform for users from cross-functional teams (e.g. sales, design, engineering, and product) to prepare a quote collectively. Digital Sales Platform supports this through the Route feature, to assign tasks to different functional experts so they provide certain inputs.
To ensure ease in use, the application now allows custom filters by a Groovy extension point to show a sales user only the relevant personnel, e.g., within a certain functional and regional scope.
By the default behavior, a quote is only able to be routed when the status is Open. Setting string in the Digital Platform allows the quote to be routed when a quote status is “Accepted” only or either "Open or Accepted".
To apply setting, select 'Administration' > Setting String' > 'SettingQuoteStatusForISSRouting'
The options available for these settings are:
- 1: able to route when the status is open
- 2: able to route when the status is accepted
- 3: able to route when the status is either open or accepted
Routing features
To route a quote, select 'Actions' > 'Route'
A list of options is available to the users for selection. Users can select multiple other users to request input as well as leave comments in the comment box.
The routed user will receive an email notification requiring input. The quote will show in the Inbox of the routed user for input. Once the routed user finishes the input, he/she can mark it as “Done” through Actions.
Users can also revoke by clicking on “Recall” after he/she marks it as "done".
The respective status will be shown under Approvals and routing users will also have the option to revoke the routing if it is not completed yet.
Route when the status is Open
In an open quote, the user will be able to route it to other personnel for further changes or review. Under the 'Approvals' tab, select 'Actions' > 'Route'.
Once the quote has been routed, the status of the Approvals will show as "Pending Input Open" to indicate that the quote status is open and requires additional input.
Route when the status is Accepted
In the event, the quote has been accepted but still requires additional input or review, the quote will be able to be routed to other personnel. Under the 'Approvals' tab, select 'Actions' > 'Route'.
Once the quote has been routed, the status of the Approvals will show as "Pending Input Accepted" to indicate that the quote has been Accepted but still requires additional input.
Restrict routing user list through Groovy
The Extension Point “On Quote Routing” allows a script to be executed when the user attempts to route the Quote to another user (s). For example, this can be used to perform validation checks to enforce that the Quote has the minimum necessary information before the routing can be done.
For setup Groovy script, please refer to
Below two (2) settings can be configured under Administration’ > ‘Master Data Management’ > ‘SettingBoolean’
- Enables sending a notification email to users if Quote is Routed to them
- Enables only routed user can edit the Quote
Disable fields and action when pending for technical inputs
The user(s) can now disable actions like creating a new version when a quote is routed to the sales engineer for more input. Cross-department teamwork can be improved by filtering out quotes that are pending inputs when routed to individuals. The new status can be used to control field-level access and disable action using the UI profile.
”Create new version” has been moved under the action menu along with other actions and can be disabled/hidden using a UI profile. For more information, please refer to 'UI Profile'.
Allow only routed users to edit Quote
Using the boolean setting "Enables only routed user can edit the Quote" you can use routing for technical approval.
For example, if you need a Sales Engineer to review the configuration and special request and provide a technical approval. You can route the quote to that person, and if the boolean setting "Enables only routed user can edit the Quote" is ON then no one else will be allowed to edit the quote till that sales engineer has done his review.
Resend Approval Request
- From the application left navigation area, select Quotes.
- Select a quote.
- From the top navigation panel, select Approvals.
- From the bottom right navigation panel, select Actions > Resend Approval Request. The status of the quote will change to Pending Input Open.
Resend Route Request
The Resend Route Request action is available when the quote has the status PendingInputForOpenQuotes or PendingInputForAcceptedQuotes.
- From the application left navigation area, select Quotes.
- Select a quote.
- From the bottom right navigation panel, select Actions > Resend Route Request.