Templates in the Digital Sales Platform serve the following purposes:
- Report Templates (PDF, Word XLS): As a sales representative completes a configuration and wants to generate a professional quote document or proposal, the template is used to define what the document will look like, e.g. which images to print, what data to include, and additional text elements, such as Terms and Conditions, etc.
Workbook Template (Excel): On the Quote object, workbook templates can be defined to download the Quote header, Item & Configuration information. This will result in an Excel workbook file which in return can be used for mass data maintenance and then uploaded back into Quote for the changes to take effect. Some of our customers also use this to generate a file that has calculated fields and KPIs which help in understanding the margin health and approval process.
To configure report templates, the tool ‘JasperSoft Studio’ is required and can be downloaded here: https://community.jaspersoft.com/project/jaspersoft-studio.
Report Templates
As the administrator defines the fields and data attribute to be printed on the output document, all fields from the Quote header, line items, pricing information, partners, and sales area information are available.
Quote Templates – PDF.
Quote Templates – XLS.
Assign Report Templates
Report templates are user role-based enabling the administrator to provide role-specific templates based on the user’s needs. The following figure depicts how to assign report templates (proposal and excel template) to a user role.
For more information on roles, refer to section ‘Role Management’.
In addition to assigning templates to a role, each user can define and set his or her default proposal and excel report template under 'User Management.
When generating output, the system will default to the user-preferred template. If not set, the user(s) may select the templates in the dropdown menu. Open a Quote and click on 'Reports' > 'Generate Proposal'
The name of the file generated can be formatted to include Quote ID, Version, Quote reference, Quote Title, and Template name. To do so select 'Administration' > 'Master Data Management' > 'Setting String' > 'The format for quote report title'
Workbook Template
Assign Workbook Templates
Workbook templates are user role-based enabling the administrator to provide role-specific templates based on the user’s needs. The following figure depicts how to assign workbook templates to a user role:
When downloading a workbook from Quotes, the user(s) may decide the language of the workbook template from the dropdown menu. Open a Quote and click on 'Reports' > 'Generate Proposal' > 'Download Excel Template'
To generate an excel file, select the template name, language, and the option to save the workbook as an attachment. Click next and select/deselect the item to be generated then click 'Download'.
Once the download has been completed, an excel file will be generated.
The name of the file generated can be formatted to include Quote ID, Version, Title, and Template Name. To do so select 'Administration' > 'Master Data Management' > 'Setting String' > 'The format for quote excel report template'
Groovy Exit for Workbook Template Generation
This enhancement simplifies the integration of custom data into Excel templates within our system. With this update, user(s) can now seamlessly incorporate necessary data directly from lookup tables or external sources into Excel templates, streamlining the document generation process.
In the Digital Sales Platform, select 'Administration' > 'Master Data Management' > 'Groovy Script' > 'Additional Data for Workbook Template Generation'
This Groovy exit specifically designed to facilitate the direct integration of extracted data into Excel templates. Specific quotes and user-relevant details can be accessed within the Groovy exit to tailor the Excel generation. User(s) may upload 'Script file(s)' and select relevant lookup tables as such: