Audit Query Service
The audit query service provides a graphical user interface for a system administrator to query, navigate, and narrow down the Digital Sales Platform audit log. Administrators can access the audit table via Administrator→ Audit.
The figure below shows the audit result. Please follow the sequence number in the diagram for the explanation.
1. The Audit Query Service allows users to search into all the columns listed in the dropdown or a specific column of the audit table as shown below. The search is case-sensitive, and it supports using the symbol ‘*’ as a wildcard search.
2. By default, the system displays the latest audit records which are always sorted by column LAST_MODIFIED DESC, SUBJECT_TYPE ASC, and PREDICATE ASC.
Each row represents one audit record. Given the example below, this audit record belongs to data type User. It can be interpreted as the user with username ‘admin’ updated his/her default language from German to English on May 7, 2009.
When the value on the column Subject, Old Value, or New Value is a URI, the system displays the shorten URI (first 6 characters of the URI’s fragment) and appends the objectName in front of it if the URI has objectName. Users can click on the control which will open a new tab showing the detail of the object. The new audit result tab may show blank if there is no detail for the subject since the audit service is introduced after the creation of the subject.
Note: The Copy icon on the new tab control is used for copying the full URI to the clipboard.
3. The Facet Filter helps the administrator to narrow down the audit result by applying multiple filters. The available faceted filters to filter/navigate the audit result are:
- Username – Filtering audit records by username.
- Graph Type – Filtering audit records by primary data type in Digital Sales Platform.
- Actions – Filtering audit records by the event type (Create, Update, Delete)
- Subject Types – Filtering audit records by primary/dependent data type in Digital Sales Platform.
- Predicate – Filtering audit records by a predicate.
- Subject Name – Filtering Subject by the object name of a Subject
- Username – Filtering audit records by a user.
- Date – Filtering audit records by the LAST_MODIFIED column. The system can retrieve only up to the latest 3 months of audit records.
- Search for – Searching into the column OLD_VALUE and NEW_VALUE which contains the query string.
E.g. Taking below screenshot as an example, once filtering the Username to INMIND, the audit result remains only audit records that were created/update/delete by the user INMIND.
- The pagination allows the user to navigate the audit result by the next page, previous page, first page, and last page. Each pagination fetches 50 audit records.