The Digital Sales Platform Configuration Engine mainly consists of the following sub-modules. The execution of each module can be audited depending on the log level of an individual module.
Troubleshooting the Range Restriction
In order to obtain the HTML audit file for range restriction, it is needed to set the following log level to debug.
The following screenshot is the folder structure for storing the HTML audit log for the range restriction feature.
The audit will show the following
- The current configuration properties
- DA Profile Result if there is any
- The DA value shown in the table will be hidden or will not be displayed to the user, even though the range restriction rule defined in KBTriggerGroup returns those values restricted by the DA Profile concept.
- Applicable KBTriggerGroup based on current config item properties.
- The final range value obtained from each KBTriggerGroup
- If there is any intersected range value, it will show the final range values after applying the range restriction concept.