Replicated from ERP are digital twins of equipment that have been installed, together with its unique Bill-of-Maintenance (BOM).
While equipment are complex, made up of multiple hierarchies with child equipment and/or parent equipment, purchasing the right sub-components and spare parts need not be overwhelming for end-users. Equipment and its associated products can be simply presented in the Commerce portal for easy access by customers. The right spare parts can be found and ordered, avoiding delays due to wrong parts ordered. Overall, post-installation/after-sales support can be more efficient and less time-consuming.
Navigating to Equipment List and Maintenance Bill-of-Material (BOM)
Equipment and its sub-components registered under an Account can be easily accessed by users within that Account. (See "Introduction to Equipment" for more information)
Accessed from the Header Navigation, a list of equipment will be shown, where users can use the search bar and relevant product filters on the left-side of the page to further refine the search:
Users can choose to click on either the equipment image or '>' icon and drill down further to the (sub-)equipment Bill-of-Material (BOM), where sub-components (products) of the equipment would be listed. From there, users can similarly use relevant product filters shown on the left-side of the page to further refine the search:
Equipment, as well as associated sub-equipment and sub-components, with the button have been set up with a visual product finder that aids further navigation.
(See "Navigation via Visual Product Finder" for more information)
Downloading Manuals, Links to Support
Equipment manuals and other supporting documentation may be attached and listed for users to readily download from the Commerce portal. Links may be provided as well, for example in the case of online equipment help or support pages, where clicking the button would load the link in a new tab.
There is no limit to the number of attachments that may be included - any more than 5 shown on the equipment list page would be displayed in a pop-up: